Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rome Uscita

Uscita means exit, a new Italian word I learned yesterday during our metro shenanigans. Last night, after our long journey back to Papa, a journey for which I was very proud of us because we were able to find the right bus to get on, I decided what my favourite packed item is: ear plugs. I didn't hear a sound all night, including my alarm in the morning. Sana heard it though, so now we are checking out of Papa Germano, going to see a bunch of skeletons (I will elaborate later), and heading to Roma Termini, where we will catch our first train to our next destination: Firenze. Sidenote: if I make any errors during this post, it is because I'm distracted by Papa at the front desk, randomly singing in Italian. Love it.

Anyway, yesterday evening we headed to the Spanish steps, sat there and enjoyed the atmosphere for a bit, then headed to the top where there was a church. We decided to go inside and witness a mass and the sermon was in French. It was pleasant to watch. After the Spanish steps we walked through Via Condotti, the location of all the Italian designer stores. Fancy stuff. As the sun began to set, we headed up a steep hill near the Piazza di Spagna to catch a view of the entire city, which was breathtaking (both because we had just climbed a really big hill and because it was a pretty view). As night set in, we made our way to the Colesseum and struggled a bit to take pictures because of this derranged man who kept throwing lit up toys into the air, trying to convince people to buy them, but doing the complete opposite. One almost hit me; landed about 30cm in front of me as I posed for a picture. Not amused. We then had some delicious risotto and  called it a night.

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