Saturday, August 20, 2011

Maya, Aliya, Tasha and Sasha f*#%ed up!

Hola! It is Sana taking over yet again. During the long bus ride to Lagos, both Alina and Fauz sang J.Bieber and Adele respectively at the top of their lungs getting weird looks and laughs from our fellow riders. Video evidence may follow. I found a cute baby that kept me entertained for a bit. After getting to Lagos we headed to the rising cock hostel where we were introduced to a very disheveled Mama. She wasn't sure what room we were in and kept referring to herself in third person. She was the only one between us and the beach so as soon as we checked in and had some piri piri chicken on the sidewalk (ofcourse), we finally made it to the beach!! The sun was about to set but we still took advantage of the beautiful water. We then made our way to the green room for some Mexican dinner. Mind you, I'm from Texas so I know my mexican food but this was definitely some of the best mexican food I have ever had. Period. We headed back to the hostel and passed out early on our first night in Lagos - fail.

August 14

The next morning we were woken up by Papa. Now to imagine him, think of an old man with the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's Papa! Upstairs we had some of mama's famous crepes and tika tika which is magic lemon tea..Mmm! The beach was absolutely fantastic and I could have spent a whole week there. We baked on the beach for a bit and then Fauz, Alina and I decided to explore the rocky area for a photoshoot. Once there we saw a bunch of teenagers jumping off the cliff above the cave into the water. Right away we knew we had to do it - you only live once right! So we found an obstacle course way to the top of the cliff which explicitly had a DANGER sign on it, oh well! Once on top Alina jumped first and then Fauz in all her grace and fear jumped and landed in a sitting position, booty first - OUCH! Since I was still at the top I didn't get to witness the fall but def saw the humongous purple bruise the next morning. The jump itself was incredible though, such a rush of adrenaline as I looked down at the water below!  I myself got a war wound as I was swimming to the cave on the side of the cliff. A nice old man offered to take action shots of us as we jumped (of course he missed all three of us).

All bruised and wounded we decided to go for dinner at the famous nahnahbah known for it's incredible burgers - which were in fact quite yummy! Back at the hostel we hung out with our roommates Dwayne (Aussie) and Michelle (Canadian). We went out into some local clubs in town and had a helluva night which ended with street pizza.

August 15

The next morning after being woken up by cars honking continuously for over a minute each outside our window, we went back to the beach (after more crepes and tika tika ofcourse). This time we decided to venture out to the beach a bit farther away because we wanted to go jet skiing. So we took a water bus over to the 'long beach' as they called it and had an amazing time on the jetskis. I rode with Alina who went as fast as possible and did 360s in the middle of the ocean - of course I fell off the jetski and almost got eaten alive by sharks. Next we went banana boating with some kids from London. The driver kept swaying the boat to make us fall but then he got mad when we actually fell because it meant he had to stop the boat to let us all back in. Weirdo!

After a crazy afternoon we headed back to the beach. We had lunch with one of the lifeguards whom we refer to as fit #1. Later I helped a little French kid, Romeo, bury his sister in the sand and then we headed out for some dinner with D-wayne and Michele at a local bar. On our way over we stopped  to shop on the streets of Lagos. Next we cabbed over to Duna beach for a party with a famous dj from the UK - Chase and Status. The line up was over an hour long so we decided to sneak in through the back. Of course we weren't the only ones. D-Wayne walked in through the bushes nonchalantly and another dude followed. Fauz went in shortly after and got kicked right back out by the snooty bouncer - she's so sly! As we were about to leave the beach we decided to try sneaking in through the other side, little did we know there was a REALLY REALLY big dog that began barking at us. He was tied up. I ran the farthest. Dwayne made friends with the dog and we walked in through the side only to be caught by security again..sheesh! We got escorted into the back of the bar where Dwayne made up some kind of story and voila we were IN. After all that, the music sucked and the pool was way too cold to jump in. Fail. Indoors there was a reggae room where we hung out most of the night, met more Aussies - as a sidenote most of the tourists we've met on our entire trip have been Aussies. They are a crazy bunch! On our way back, we got the worst cab driver of eternity (cab drivers in Lagos seemed like they hated their lives and were super cranky...I guess they would rather be on the beach)who wouldn't take five people at once. From what I hear, when Fauz, D-Wayne and Michelle were singing along to Bon Jovi on the way home, he pulled over until they shut up. I was left walking back from the club as there were no other cabs to be seen for miles...darn! It was actually a blessing in disguise because I got to see the sun rise over the Lagos marina as we walked over the bridge. Gorgeous.

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