Sunday, August 7, 2011

¨This needs to be washed for sure.¨

Okay, Barca is crazy. I´m staying in tonight, my last night here (I know I´m lame), so this is a good time to give you the low-down on our Barca experience. Since it had been a couple of days since I have posted, and I am quite lethargic atm, I will do my best to cover everything.

Thursday, August 4th 2011

Our hostel, Sant Jordi Alberg, is a really good time. The people here are so laid back, and they organize outings every night. After our flight, we found our hostel and checked in and all that. Then we headed over to a resto for some tapas, which were delish. So was the waiter. I fell in love with him. I didn´t understand anything he was saying and since Sana speaks some Spanish, she helped translate. Tapas ended with a bang. And then Sana cried. Long story, but it was all quite hilarious.

We went out with our hostel that night and the first stop was a bar on the beach. It was pretty amazing. Next stop was Shoke (I think) night club, which was ginormous. Lots of house music and the patio extended out onto the beach. We ended up hanging out with some crazy Brits until we were too tired to keep our eyes open, and then headed home by means of a surprisingly cheap cab ride.

Friday, August 5th 2011

The next day, I woke up to Alina and Natasha walking into our room. It felt so crazy to all be in Barcelona together. We ate lunch at the same tapas place as the night before because I wanted to see the waiter again. We filled them in on our trip up until Barca as well as the dares and rewards system. We left the restaurant after Sana unintentionally said something inapporiate to the waiter by mixing up the Spanish word for bag with female genitalia.

We walked to Sagrada di familia, an incomplete project of Gaudi´s (famous architect). It was really cool because you could see the difference between the old work and the new additions. In the metro station on the way home, Alina had a not-so-brilliant idea and encouraged Natasha to squeeze through the turnstile with me and we definitely got caught by security. Natasha had to go back through the turnstile and use her ticket again. We were lucky we didn´t get fined or arrested! Natasha was pissed at Alina and got an automatic reward which she has yet to redeem.

We ate paella for dinner and had a waiter that was surely on crack or some sort of elating substance. At night we went to a pub/club crawl, which was insane. One of the bars, I forget the name atm, had a really nice view of the city. The last stop was Opium night club. It was huge and the exact image I had of a European club before coming here.

Saturday, August 6th 2011

Our second day was a lazy one, starting at about 2 p.m. We had lunch and I threw in another dare. Sana had to lie on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant for 35 seconds. She did it. After lunch, we visited Camp Nou and then chilled out on the beach. It wasn´t too sunny but still a good time. A beach is a beach! We went out with the hostel again. First stop was a huge locals bar and then to Razzmatazz (sp?) night club. It was very different...all rock and indie music which I love. At points it was a bit much, but it was really awesome to hear stuff like The Strokes in a club and everybody jumping around and jamming to big hits.

Sunday, August 7th 2011

Once again, our day started at 2 p.m. (the night ended at around 5 a.m.) and we ate at a nice resto on Passeig de Gracia. We liked one of the waiters once again and Sana was chatting him up. I dared her to leave him a note when we left. She did it. Hilarious.  After eating, we went to Parc Guell where we saw a few pieces of Gaudi´s work. It was absolutely gorgeous. The mosaic detail was so unique. I love how Gaudi projects show up so suddenly all over the city. It is really something to see. Pretty hard to capture the beauty on camera but we tried. We ate dinner on La Rambla, more paella. I´m over it; no more paella! I mean it´s good, but I don´t understand all the hype. I just like saying paella and thinking of George´s mom from Seinfeld: ¨What am I gonna do with all this paella?!¨ I miss Italian food...and home food too!

Tomorrow we hope to squeeze in a couple more sights before our flight to Granada. Stay tuned!

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