Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nice Nice (adj then noun)

We don't have much time in Nice, so we haven't seen any tourist attractions. We chose to spend the few hours we have here before our flight to Barca on the beach, where I am currently writing this tidbit. On our way here, we bought some small pearly goodies in a souvenir shop and saw the fruit and flower market. There was a three-man band playing there and a small crowd watching. I dared Sana to stand in the middle of the circle and do the Elaine dance (from Seinfeld), but she had to decline. It was a big dare and would have definitely made it on YouTube. So this beach is rocky, but still very nice (I'm pronouncing that like how we pronounce Nice fyi, because Sana and I have decided that any time we want to say the word 'nice' during this trip, we must pronounce it as 'Nice'. Challenging! Here is a pic so you see what I'm seeing:

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